Extra Credit

Last Wednesday I attended a lecture the Sexperts gave in the Union. It was...kind of awesome. Normally, I'm very uncomfortable talking about things like that--STDs, types of birth control, safe sex, etc--but they made it really relaxing and fun.

Favorite part? I now know there is such a thing as a banana-flavored condom. (I still don't know WHY, but they do exist.)

But, in all seriousness, it was nice to have someone talk about sex education without resorting to "sex is bad, abstinence is good" nonsense that my school gave me. It reminded me of what the readings said, that the majority of high schools only talk about abstinence. Apparently mine, a teeny high school in north Texas, was one of those.

Other than the condoms, they told us where the Women's Outreach Center was (across from Meachum in the Union) and that Goddard now offers the Guardasil shots. I'm very happy I went, even if they had a vagina named Audrey, which was awkward. Adorable, but awkward.