Blog 4

After looking through the women's studies course offerings, I'm especially interested in three classes--women in Ancient Greece, contemporary feminist thought, and American women's writing.

I really want to take women in Ancient Greece because I'm a Latin minor and I love hearing stories from Greece/Rome. But most historians (especially ancient historians) almost completely leave out women in their documents. To have a class that specifically focuses on what little evidence there is of women's achievements sounds right up my alley.

I also am a writing major with a deep desire to create strong female characters (because there aren't very many). To that end, I want to take contemporary feminist thought and American women's writing. I want to know the current ideas of feminists so that I can sneak them into my writing. Or blatantly put them into my writing, if I can get away with it.

I know this sounds like a weird, undefined goal, but I want to become an activist. And a writer. But mostly an activist. I feel so passionately about my beliefs that I want to channel them into something productive. That, and my friends have told me that I need to stop ranting at them. If I could somehow channel my writing into gender equality, that would be the best of both worlds.